Welcome to www.riijaejin.blogspot.com
Friday, November 21, 2008

b a c k ! h i a t u s
yaayy ~
long time no posting here...
I'm active in Livejournal now XD
but ..
I'll be hiatus from Nov 27,08 until Dec 04,08
because I have semester test TAT
I must prepare that from now..
nokkun header is too cute x3
my livejournal header is like this too XD
I just changed the name from rii_chii@livejournal to riijaejin.blogspot.com XD
yeahh ..
I'm so sleepy now..
gud nite all ..
don't forget to add me in livejournal.. :D
& my kawaii dream ended @
10:20 PM
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Friday, November 21, 2008

b a c k ! h i a t u s
yaayy ~
long time no posting here...
I'm active in Livejournal now XD
but ..
I'll be hiatus from Nov 27,08 until Dec 04,08
because I have semester test TAT
I must prepare that from now..
nokkun header is too cute x3
my livejournal header is like this too XD
I just changed the name from rii_chii@livejournal to riijaejin.blogspot.com XD
yeahh ..
I'm so sleepy now..
gud nite all ..
don't forget to add me in livejournal.. :D
& my kawaii dream ended @
10:20 PM
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Name : Debora Stella Liana
B-day : 27 September 1992
School : Budi Mulia High School
Age : 16 years old
Email : rii_chii@yahoo.com
YM : rii_chii@yahoo.com
MSN : rii_chii@hotmail.com
Friendster : rii_chii@hotmail.com

Online Users
Nozawa Yuki .
Inoo Kei .

Hey! Say! JUMP .

Johnny's Junior .


Jaejin .

Wonbin .

Yoochun .


cake .

PINK addicted .

photoshop .

foruming .

downloading .


Super Junior .

all about Japan .

liar .

backstabber .

waiting .

lizard .

coward .

two timers .

missed call from private number .

trouble .

delayed event .

study math n science .

New laptop .

being smart .

new headphone .

new handphone .

cut my hair with nu hair syle .

new shoes .

new bag .

finish my exam .

a gift from his bday T__T