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Friday, September 5, 2008

Fat ??
It's healthy to be fat... kind of.The issue of fat and health is a complex one, with many factors to consider. Medical research has raised more questions than it has answered. It seems that, while there are health risks associated with being fat, there are also some health benefits. It may be healthier to remain at a stable high weight than to yo-yo diet.

Do you want to look like this?
Put that twinkie down then.
The politics of size.Discrimination is as much a fact of life for fat people as it is for other people outside the "norm." Fat people earn less money, are turned down for medical insurance, jobs, and housing. They are subjected to insensitive remarks and are often judged by their body shape and size as being stupid, lazy, slovenly, unhealthy, and either over- or under-sexed. The stereotypes exist despite volumes of evidence to the contrary and impact our lives in every facet of our existence.
credit: humanforsale.com
oohh my gosshh XD
i hate the fact that i'm fat T__T
buttt ,
am i fat ??
i just thinking about that XDD
& my kawaii dream ended @
6:31 PM
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Friday, September 5, 2008

Fat ??
It's healthy to be fat... kind of.The issue of fat and health is a complex one, with many factors to consider. Medical research has raised more questions than it has answered. It seems that, while there are health risks associated with being fat, there are also some health benefits. It may be healthier to remain at a stable high weight than to yo-yo diet.

Do you want to look like this?
Put that twinkie down then.
The politics of size.Discrimination is as much a fact of life for fat people as it is for other people outside the "norm." Fat people earn less money, are turned down for medical insurance, jobs, and housing. They are subjected to insensitive remarks and are often judged by their body shape and size as being stupid, lazy, slovenly, unhealthy, and either over- or under-sexed. The stereotypes exist despite volumes of evidence to the contrary and impact our lives in every facet of our existence.
credit: humanforsale.com
oohh my gosshh XD
i hate the fact that i'm fat T__T
buttt ,
am i fat ??
i just thinking about that XDD
& my kawaii dream ended @
6:31 PM
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Name : Debora Stella Liana
B-day : 27 September 1992
School : Budi Mulia High School
Age : 16 years old
Email : rii_chii@yahoo.com
YM : rii_chii@yahoo.com
MSN : rii_chii@hotmail.com
Friendster : rii_chii@hotmail.com

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