Saturday, January 5, 2008

new year, new skin, new life
mian telat ngucapin..
baru pulang mudik..xD
yeah !
I'm back !
really miss u all~
ok now i update my bloggie..xDD
got it from siszy's blog
100 Facts About You1. Name: Stella Liana
2. Nicknames: Liana / Rii
3. Birthday: 27 September 92
4. Place of Birth: JAKARTA
5. Zodiac Sign: Libra
6. Male or female: female
7. Primary school or High School: High school
8. School: Budi Mulia high School
9. Occupation: student
10. Residence: Indonesia
11. MSN Screen Name: Rii ^ ^
12. Hair Colour: black
13. Hair Length: short
14. Eye color: brown black ..xDD
15. Weight: PRIVATE
16. Height: PRIVATE
17. Braces? no
18. Glasses? yes
19. Piercings: no XD
20. Tattoos: no
21. Righty or Lefty: righty of course
Your 'Firsts'
22. First best friend: dunno..xDD
23. First Award: forgot~ xDD
24. First Sport You Joined: swimming
25. First pet: birds
26. First Real Vacation: xD
27. First Concert: LOLZ ..xD never
28. First Love: when i was in elementary school..xDD
29. Movie: Harry Potter
30. TV programme: Deal or No Deal ..xDD
31. Color: PINK, white, blue , green
32. Musician: ft island, tvxq, super junior, boa, snsd, csjh , and many moree
33. Actor/Actress:
34. Song Right Now: Xin Wo - SHE ft. FLH
35. Friend: Fie Ni
36. Sweet: Sugar..XDD
37. Sport to Play: footballl! xDDD
38. Restaurant: Pizza hut..xD
39. Favourite brand: LOL
40. Store: carrefour
41. School: BM opcoss
42. Animal: cats x3
44. Magazine: nakayoshi..xDD
45. Shoes: eagle
46. Feeling?: lil happy
47. Single or Taken?: single
48. Have a crush?: nope..xD
49. Eating?: pangsit
50. Drinking?: teh botol..xDD
51. Typing?: xDD
52. Online? now
53. Listening To?: Girls generation
54. Thinking About?: xxxxy
55. Wanting ?: S-MAGZ
56. Watching?: nOpe
57. Wearing?: t-shirt XD
Your Future
58. Want Kids? of course
59. Want to be married? MUST!
60. Careers in Mind? success opcoz
61. Where do you want to live?: Greece
62. Car?: BMW ..xDD
Which is Better With The Opposite Sex?
63. Hair color: black
64. Hair length: short XD
65. Eye color: black
66. Measurements: like wonbin..LOLL
67. Cute or Sexy?: cute and sexy ..xDD
68. Lips or Eyes?: lips XD
69. Hugs or Kisses?: HUG!! big HUG!
70. Short or Tall?: not short. not tall. XD
71. Easygoing or serious?: easygoing
72. Romantic or Spontaneous?: spontaneous
73. Fatty or Skinny?: skinny ..xDD
74. Sensitive or Loud?: loud XD
75. Hook-up or Relationship?: relationship
76. Sweet or Caring?: sweet
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One?: Hesitant One
Have you ever...
78. Kissed a Stranger?: NO!
79. Had Alcohol?: no~
80. Taken Drugs?: no
81. Ran Away From Home?: no XD
82. Broken a bone?: no =D
83. Got an X-ray?: no XD
84. Been with someone?: no!
85. Broken Someone’s Heart: no
86. Broke Up With Someone?: no
87. Cried When Someone Died?: yes
88. Cried At School?: yes
Do You Believe In..
89. God?: OF COURSE ! ^ ^
90. Miracles?: ^^
91. Love At First sight?: yes ...xDD
92. Ghosts?: NO
93. Aliens?: no XD
94. Soul Mates?: iyep !
95. Heaven?: opcoz!
96. Hell?: yes!
97. Angels?: yes ^^
98. Kissing on The First Date?: LOLLL xDD noo
99. Horoscopes?: xp NO!
Answer Truthfully!
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't?:
YES, I want many things in my life that I know I can't get it..xDD
& my kawaii dream ended @
2:19 PM
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Saturday, January 5, 2008

new year, new skin, new life
mian telat ngucapin..
baru pulang mudik..xD
yeah !
I'm back !
really miss u all~
ok now i update my bloggie..xDD
got it from siszy's blog
100 Facts About You1. Name: Stella Liana
2. Nicknames: Liana / Rii
3. Birthday: 27 September 92
4. Place of Birth: JAKARTA
5. Zodiac Sign: Libra
6. Male or female: female
7. Primary school or High School: High school
8. School: Budi Mulia high School
9. Occupation: student
10. Residence: Indonesia
11. MSN Screen Name: Rii ^ ^
12. Hair Colour: black
13. Hair Length: short
14. Eye color: brown black ..xDD
15. Weight: PRIVATE
16. Height: PRIVATE
17. Braces? no
18. Glasses? yes
19. Piercings: no XD
20. Tattoos: no
21. Righty or Lefty: righty of course
Your 'Firsts'
22. First best friend: dunno..xDD
23. First Award: forgot~ xDD
24. First Sport You Joined: swimming
25. First pet: birds
26. First Real Vacation: xD
27. First Concert: LOLZ ..xD never
28. First Love: when i was in elementary school..xDD
29. Movie: Harry Potter
30. TV programme: Deal or No Deal ..xDD
31. Color: PINK, white, blue , green
32. Musician: ft island, tvxq, super junior, boa, snsd, csjh , and many moree
33. Actor/Actress:
34. Song Right Now: Xin Wo - SHE ft. FLH
35. Friend: Fie Ni
36. Sweet: Sugar..XDD
37. Sport to Play: footballl! xDDD
38. Restaurant: Pizza hut..xD
39. Favourite brand: LOL
40. Store: carrefour
41. School: BM opcoss
42. Animal: cats x3
44. Magazine: nakayoshi..xDD
45. Shoes: eagle
46. Feeling?: lil happy
47. Single or Taken?: single
48. Have a crush?: nope..xD
49. Eating?: pangsit
50. Drinking?: teh botol..xDD
51. Typing?: xDD
52. Online? now
53. Listening To?: Girls generation
54. Thinking About?: xxxxy
55. Wanting ?: S-MAGZ
56. Watching?: nOpe
57. Wearing?: t-shirt XD
Your Future
58. Want Kids? of course
59. Want to be married? MUST!
60. Careers in Mind? success opcoz
61. Where do you want to live?: Greece
62. Car?: BMW ..xDD
Which is Better With The Opposite Sex?
63. Hair color: black
64. Hair length: short XD
65. Eye color: black
66. Measurements: like wonbin..LOLL
67. Cute or Sexy?: cute and sexy ..xDD
68. Lips or Eyes?: lips XD
69. Hugs or Kisses?: HUG!! big HUG!
70. Short or Tall?: not short. not tall. XD
71. Easygoing or serious?: easygoing
72. Romantic or Spontaneous?: spontaneous
73. Fatty or Skinny?: skinny ..xDD
74. Sensitive or Loud?: loud XD
75. Hook-up or Relationship?: relationship
76. Sweet or Caring?: sweet
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One?: Hesitant One
Have you ever...
78. Kissed a Stranger?: NO!
79. Had Alcohol?: no~
80. Taken Drugs?: no
81. Ran Away From Home?: no XD
82. Broken a bone?: no =D
83. Got an X-ray?: no XD
84. Been with someone?: no!
85. Broken Someone’s Heart: no
86. Broke Up With Someone?: no
87. Cried When Someone Died?: yes
88. Cried At School?: yes
Do You Believe In..
89. God?: OF COURSE ! ^ ^
90. Miracles?: ^^
91. Love At First sight?: yes ...xDD
92. Ghosts?: NO
93. Aliens?: no XD
94. Soul Mates?: iyep !
95. Heaven?: opcoz!
96. Hell?: yes!
97. Angels?: yes ^^
98. Kissing on The First Date?: LOLLL xDD noo
99. Horoscopes?: xp NO!
Answer Truthfully!
100. Is There Someone You Want But You Know You Can't?:
YES, I want many things in my life that I know I can't get it..xDD
& my kawaii dream ended @
2:19 PM
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