Wednesday, December 12, 2007

look this
look thiss..

cred : lupa..XDD
My Lovely Husband..
wonbin in PINK <3

credit : soompi

credit : soompi
& my kawaii dream ended @
10:46 PM
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2008/01's PATi PATi issue-- How old were you when you believed in Santa Claus?
YC: Before I went to 2nd grade.
CM: I never believed in Santa.
JJ: Changmin doesn't have a childhood.
CM: Maybe you're right.
-- I thought you wanted to relive your childhood memories! *laughs*
CM: Ah~ yeah *laughs* But, Santa Claus never existed in the first place!
JS: I always believed in Santa Claus until I got to the 2nd year of middle school.
-- Wow, that's really different.
JS: When I knew Santa Claus didn't exist in reality, I really couldn't believe it.
I was so shocked I couldn't eat for a week.
-- No way...
JS: Because there isn't a meaning in life anymore.
I keep thinking what there was left in this world to live for.
CM: So silly *laughs*
JJ: At some stage, it's probably what we call 'innocent'...
JS: Yes, that's right *laughs*
JJ: No no, Changmin is right.
JS: No, what I had before was the pure innocence of Junsu.
-- Do you mean it in the past tense?
JS: No, of course I still have it now. I was just thinking, the dreams we had
as a child were like the stars we see floating in the sky given to us.
CM: You make it sound like it's real.
YH: Where have I heard those lyrics...
JS: Then, performing one song after another, for the ever so important you.
-- Then how did you find out Santa wasn't real?
JS: Then I was thinking, "Christmas is coming.. I wonder what I will get.."
While watching the television, the female MC said, "There aren't any more children
who believe in Santa anymore, right?"
-- But there still is one here *laughs*
JS: Even so I think she's wrong.
-- Why?
JS: I asked my mother, "The girl is lying, right? Santa really does exist, right?"
Then she told me honestly Santa didn't exist, and I said, "Ah, no way/really?"
But since parents don't look like people who lie, I accepted the fact....
But because I suffered such a shock, I threw my [rice] bowl and ran into my room,
crying to sleep.
-- That's so pitiful..
JS: Every year I used to look forward to the presents Santa would give me,
but since then I no longer had that feeling.
CM: I've never received any presents [from Santa, I suppose?].
JS: People who don't believe don't get presents.
CM: I don't need things like presents *laughs*
YC: That's because Changmin receives a lot of presents even when it's not Christmas.
-- That's even better than Christmas.
CM: Actually there's no such thing *laughs*
-- How about Yunho then?
YH: I used to believe in Santa before I went to kindergarten.
My dad would mimic Santa's voice and use [some kind of] telephone to talk to me.
My mom would also do the same and leave a message for me in a Christmas card.
-- Do you still remember the content?
YH: "You've been a good boy this year, hold on tight to your dreams next year!"
-- It's different every year.
CM: Not bad eh, I'm envious!
-- Then, how about Jaejoong?
JJ: I always believed in Santa until I was in the 4th grade.
Whenever it was Christmas, whenever I woke up,
there'd be a black stocking/pouch beside my bed and inside, it'd be filled with my favourite chocolate pies and .
They were from Santa. I was really happy. But when I was in the 5th grade,
I saw my mom putting the present by my bedside in the middle of the night.
Then I knew all this while Santa had been my mother.
Then again, there's only one Santa Claus, how can he travel the world to distribute
presents to all the kids on Christmas?
JS: That's what I believed in, Santa is the angel of death!
[Everybody laughs]
Later on Yoochun talks about his brother and that when he found out Santa wasn't real,
he didn't tell his brother because it'd be awful if he knew since he was only 5.
Then, when Yoochun went to the 6th grade, they both left for America
and when his brother told him Santa was an American,
Yoochun said it's true so he dressed up as Santa and gave his brother a present.
Original translation: Baidu
credits : fretfred@soompi
& my kawaii dream ended @
10:12 PM
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FS mode on
dapet dari buletin FS lagee..XDD
*lg sk ngisi buletin*
1.Pengen punya apa skrg?
- U A N G
2. Sekarang juga siapa yang
duduk deket sama lo?
- nggak ada..
3. Kenapa habis seneng terus
- ha?
5. Pernah digantungin seseorang?
- mati donk gw ..XDD
6. Lo percaya sama karma?
- nggak~
7. Nama anak lo kelak adalah?
- Park Yoo Rii ~ LOLZ
8. Kalo megang kamera pengennya foto
- sapa? foto yg bagus2.xDD
9. Lo member deviantart?
- iyeepp..xD
10. Kalo lagi bosen di mobil
enaknya ngapain?
- tiduur~
11. Pernah menyelam ke dasar
- gw takut lauut~
12. Artis siapa yang sekarang
terlintas di pikiran?
13. Suatu hari nanti lo pengen
punya berapa rumah?
-molla~ rumah di surga aja udh ckp
14. Coba liat tv lo, ada apa
-ha? tv gw mati kaga ada yg nonton..xD
15. Pengen ketemu siapa?
16. Apa perubahan yang terjadi
di diri lo?
- tambah nduutt! payah~
17. Shampoo yang dipake?
18. Lo seorang kakak/adik?
-kakak aja~ wee
19. Pernah dikasih lagu sama siapa?
- kamsutt?
20. Lagi suka banget sama?
21. Mendingan soal essay atau
- ga dua2nya..wkkk~
22. Rambut lo gimana skrg?
- gmn? mwnya gmn? =p
23. Rambut gimana yang lo suka
- ky Jiyeon onnie <3
24. Berapa kali sehari buka fs?
- tergantung..
25. Pernah dimarahin gara-gara
ngatain anak org?
- weeww..forgot..xD
26. Lo bakal jadi tipe orang tua
yang memperhatikan anak atau malah
-memperhtikan pastee
27. Dulu pernah punya kenangan
- a lots~
28. Lagu yang menenangkan hati?
- a looottss
29. Bisa main piano nggak?
- hmmnn nggak..xD
30. siapa yang kamu harapkan
untuk memberimu nafkah kelak?
- my husband opcoz
31. Terakhir pergi kemana?
- sekolah..
32. Ngapain aja disana?
- bengong
33. Pernah cemburu tanpa
- ....??
34. hal apa yang bikin kamu
sedih hari ini?
-kok pulsa gw kaga masuk2..T__T
35. ada yang bikin kamu kesel hari ini?
- uang~ i need money~
36. ada yang bikin kamu penasaran?
- adaaaa~
37. ada yang bikin kamu capek?
- adaa
38. sahabat kamu baik2 nggak?
- baik donkkk
39. pernah ngecengin orang
ganteng/cantik nggak?
- xDD
40. lagi patah hati ngga?
-hmmnn kayanya..XDD
& my kawaii dream ended @
9:24 PM
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eph esh egen
wuaahh~ dari FS lage nii ..xDD
lagi seneng ngisi ky bgini..xD
1. perasaan dominant yang sekarang loe
rasain?- nope. ga ngerasain apa2..xDD2. lagu apa yg lg loe denger sekarang?- FTI - Thunder3. apa yang kamu ingini sekarang?- pingin bobo..xD4 . apa yg kamu kenakan sekarang ?- baju putih~5. sedang gak enak badan yah?- kaga =p6. memori terindah saat kecil?- Lotsssss..7. nama panggilan loe?- Rii, Liana, Li28. siapa yang terakhir telepon kamu?- Linda9. siapa yang terakhir kamu ajakbicara?- my mom10. apa yang akan kamu lakukan setelahini?- mandi..XD11. habis itu?- bobo12 . yg terakhir kamu ucapkan?- kok pulsanya blm masuk2 sii??13. rencana loe hari ini?- pingin bobo..xDD14. apakah kamu memikirkan seseorang?- iyaaa~15. isi titik-titiknya:... kami.- blankkk16 . kamu suka minum kopi ngga?- biasa aja..XD lumayan sii18. kamu suka minuman beralkohol ngga?- NO! 19. kamu kalo weekend sukanya ngapainaja?- chat..xDD ngenet lah~20. kamu suka fast food gak?- s u k a21. kamu suka clubbing?- nope~22 . kamu kalo nonton, sukanya filmyang gimana?- apa ajaa23. kamu suka norak gak? kenapa?- biasa aja..XD LOL24. kamu kalo sarapan sukanya makanapa?- tergantung nyokap masak apa..XD25. katakan apapun untuk siapa sajayang membaca bulbo ini?- what??26 . pernah mencintai org yang kamu taukamu tdk akan mendapatkannya?- xD27. terkahir kali kamu nangis?- lupa..XD28. terakhir kali kamu ketawa?- tadi sore..29. kamu suka nyanyi?- suka <330 . apa yang kamu lakukan sebelumngisi ini?- buka forum, chat31. temen yang kamu temui hari ini?- tmen2 skolaa~32. apa yang lagi kamu butuhin?- U A N G33. film terakhir yang kamu tonton?- Romantic Princess34. obat terakhir yang kamu tenggak?- obat maag pasti...T__T35 . testi terakhir dari?- Linda36. sms terakhir dari?- Felicia37. sms terakhir untuk?- Liha39. kamu menangis dalam setiapmasalah?- kaga donk..xp40. siapa yang bikin kamu lebihtenang?- GOD, my friends..41 . apa yang kamu pikirkan ttghubungan jarak jauh?- dunno~42. ttg cinta pandangan pertama?- ?45. kamu photogenic ga?- tau dehh~46. kamu percaya dengan magic?- NGGAK47 . kamu meminum minuman berkafein gahari ini?- nggak~48. Single, Crushin', Interested, orin a Relationship?- married kok ga ada? gw kn udh merit ma wonbin ..XDD49. saat kamu menemukan the rightperson apakah kamu langsung tunduk?- kamsutt?50 . kamu percaya cinta dapat merubahseseorang ?- yuppcredit : Friendster
& my kawaii dream ended @
8:45 PM
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gomen ne~
aahhh~maap blogku..jarang diupdate lagi..>__<memang si..ujian sekolah udh selesai..tapi di tempat les blm..T__Tbr mulai malah..besok ntu written test..selasa depan oral test..uuuhhh~puciiing~~~kapan daku bs liburan dg tenang tanpa mikirin pelajaran..*stress*balom lagi soal forumm...mianhaee FTII~~~padahal janjinya hari ini udh mw mulai rapat..tp wong adminnya ga OL?*ngais2tanah*maap smua yg udh nungguin..>__<ditambah lagi inet yg pingin di banting ini..kerjaannya DC muluuu...kaga bosen2 apa DC ?*mule gila*aahh~GBU all <3
& my kawaii dream ended @
8:27 PM
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

look this
look thiss..

cred : lupa..XDD
My Lovely Husband..
wonbin in PINK <3

credit : soompi

credit : soompi
& my kawaii dream ended @
10:46 PM
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2008/01's PATi PATi issue-- How old were you when you believed in Santa Claus?
YC: Before I went to 2nd grade.
CM: I never believed in Santa.
JJ: Changmin doesn't have a childhood.
CM: Maybe you're right.
-- I thought you wanted to relive your childhood memories! *laughs*
CM: Ah~ yeah *laughs* But, Santa Claus never existed in the first place!
JS: I always believed in Santa Claus until I got to the 2nd year of middle school.
-- Wow, that's really different.
JS: When I knew Santa Claus didn't exist in reality, I really couldn't believe it.
I was so shocked I couldn't eat for a week.
-- No way...
JS: Because there isn't a meaning in life anymore.
I keep thinking what there was left in this world to live for.
CM: So silly *laughs*
JJ: At some stage, it's probably what we call 'innocent'...
JS: Yes, that's right *laughs*
JJ: No no, Changmin is right.
JS: No, what I had before was the pure innocence of Junsu.
-- Do you mean it in the past tense?
JS: No, of course I still have it now. I was just thinking, the dreams we had
as a child were like the stars we see floating in the sky given to us.
CM: You make it sound like it's real.
YH: Where have I heard those lyrics...
JS: Then, performing one song after another, for the ever so important you.
-- Then how did you find out Santa wasn't real?
JS: Then I was thinking, "Christmas is coming.. I wonder what I will get.."
While watching the television, the female MC said, "There aren't any more children
who believe in Santa anymore, right?"
-- But there still is one here *laughs*
JS: Even so I think she's wrong.
-- Why?
JS: I asked my mother, "The girl is lying, right? Santa really does exist, right?"
Then she told me honestly Santa didn't exist, and I said, "Ah, no way/really?"
But since parents don't look like people who lie, I accepted the fact....
But because I suffered such a shock, I threw my [rice] bowl and ran into my room,
crying to sleep.
-- That's so pitiful..
JS: Every year I used to look forward to the presents Santa would give me,
but since then I no longer had that feeling.
CM: I've never received any presents [from Santa, I suppose?].
JS: People who don't believe don't get presents.
CM: I don't need things like presents *laughs*
YC: That's because Changmin receives a lot of presents even when it's not Christmas.
-- That's even better than Christmas.
CM: Actually there's no such thing *laughs*
-- How about Yunho then?
YH: I used to believe in Santa before I went to kindergarten.
My dad would mimic Santa's voice and use [some kind of] telephone to talk to me.
My mom would also do the same and leave a message for me in a Christmas card.
-- Do you still remember the content?
YH: "You've been a good boy this year, hold on tight to your dreams next year!"
-- It's different every year.
CM: Not bad eh, I'm envious!
-- Then, how about Jaejoong?
JJ: I always believed in Santa until I was in the 4th grade.
Whenever it was Christmas, whenever I woke up,
there'd be a black stocking/pouch beside my bed and inside, it'd be filled with my favourite chocolate pies and .
They were from Santa. I was really happy. But when I was in the 5th grade,
I saw my mom putting the present by my bedside in the middle of the night.
Then I knew all this while Santa had been my mother.
Then again, there's only one Santa Claus, how can he travel the world to distribute
presents to all the kids on Christmas?
JS: That's what I believed in, Santa is the angel of death!
[Everybody laughs]
Later on Yoochun talks about his brother and that when he found out Santa wasn't real,
he didn't tell his brother because it'd be awful if he knew since he was only 5.
Then, when Yoochun went to the 6th grade, they both left for America
and when his brother told him Santa was an American,
Yoochun said it's true so he dressed up as Santa and gave his brother a present.
Original translation: Baidu
credits : fretfred@soompi
& my kawaii dream ended @
10:12 PM
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FS mode on
dapet dari buletin FS lagee..XDD
*lg sk ngisi buletin*
1.Pengen punya apa skrg?
- U A N G
2. Sekarang juga siapa yang
duduk deket sama lo?
- nggak ada..
3. Kenapa habis seneng terus
- ha?
5. Pernah digantungin seseorang?
- mati donk gw ..XDD
6. Lo percaya sama karma?
- nggak~
7. Nama anak lo kelak adalah?
- Park Yoo Rii ~ LOLZ
8. Kalo megang kamera pengennya foto
- sapa? foto yg bagus2.xDD
9. Lo member deviantart?
- iyeepp..xD
10. Kalo lagi bosen di mobil
enaknya ngapain?
- tiduur~
11. Pernah menyelam ke dasar
- gw takut lauut~
12. Artis siapa yang sekarang
terlintas di pikiran?
13. Suatu hari nanti lo pengen
punya berapa rumah?
-molla~ rumah di surga aja udh ckp
14. Coba liat tv lo, ada apa
-ha? tv gw mati kaga ada yg nonton..xD
15. Pengen ketemu siapa?
16. Apa perubahan yang terjadi
di diri lo?
- tambah nduutt! payah~
17. Shampoo yang dipake?
18. Lo seorang kakak/adik?
-kakak aja~ wee
19. Pernah dikasih lagu sama siapa?
- kamsutt?
20. Lagi suka banget sama?
21. Mendingan soal essay atau
- ga dua2nya..wkkk~
22. Rambut lo gimana skrg?
- gmn? mwnya gmn? =p
23. Rambut gimana yang lo suka
- ky Jiyeon onnie <3
24. Berapa kali sehari buka fs?
- tergantung..
25. Pernah dimarahin gara-gara
ngatain anak org?
- weeww..forgot..xD
26. Lo bakal jadi tipe orang tua
yang memperhatikan anak atau malah
-memperhtikan pastee
27. Dulu pernah punya kenangan
- a lots~
28. Lagu yang menenangkan hati?
- a looottss
29. Bisa main piano nggak?
- hmmnn nggak..xD
30. siapa yang kamu harapkan
untuk memberimu nafkah kelak?
- my husband opcoz
31. Terakhir pergi kemana?
- sekolah..
32. Ngapain aja disana?
- bengong
33. Pernah cemburu tanpa
- ....??
34. hal apa yang bikin kamu
sedih hari ini?
-kok pulsa gw kaga masuk2..T__T
35. ada yang bikin kamu kesel hari ini?
- uang~ i need money~
36. ada yang bikin kamu penasaran?
- adaaaa~
37. ada yang bikin kamu capek?
- adaa
38. sahabat kamu baik2 nggak?
- baik donkkk
39. pernah ngecengin orang
ganteng/cantik nggak?
- xDD
40. lagi patah hati ngga?
-hmmnn kayanya..XDD
& my kawaii dream ended @
9:24 PM
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eph esh egen
wuaahh~ dari FS lage nii ..xDD
lagi seneng ngisi ky bgini..xD
1. perasaan dominant yang sekarang loe
rasain?- nope. ga ngerasain apa2..xDD2. lagu apa yg lg loe denger sekarang?- FTI - Thunder3. apa yang kamu ingini sekarang?- pingin bobo..xD4 . apa yg kamu kenakan sekarang ?- baju putih~5. sedang gak enak badan yah?- kaga =p6. memori terindah saat kecil?- Lotsssss..7. nama panggilan loe?- Rii, Liana, Li28. siapa yang terakhir telepon kamu?- Linda9. siapa yang terakhir kamu ajakbicara?- my mom10. apa yang akan kamu lakukan setelahini?- mandi..XD11. habis itu?- bobo12 . yg terakhir kamu ucapkan?- kok pulsanya blm masuk2 sii??13. rencana loe hari ini?- pingin bobo..xDD14. apakah kamu memikirkan seseorang?- iyaaa~15. isi titik-titiknya:... kami.- blankkk16 . kamu suka minum kopi ngga?- biasa aja..XD lumayan sii18. kamu suka minuman beralkohol ngga?- NO! 19. kamu kalo weekend sukanya ngapainaja?- chat..xDD ngenet lah~20. kamu suka fast food gak?- s u k a21. kamu suka clubbing?- nope~22 . kamu kalo nonton, sukanya filmyang gimana?- apa ajaa23. kamu suka norak gak? kenapa?- biasa aja..XD LOL24. kamu kalo sarapan sukanya makanapa?- tergantung nyokap masak apa..XD25. katakan apapun untuk siapa sajayang membaca bulbo ini?- what??26 . pernah mencintai org yang kamu taukamu tdk akan mendapatkannya?- xD27. terkahir kali kamu nangis?- lupa..XD28. terakhir kali kamu ketawa?- tadi sore..29. kamu suka nyanyi?- suka <330 . apa yang kamu lakukan sebelumngisi ini?- buka forum, chat31. temen yang kamu temui hari ini?- tmen2 skolaa~32. apa yang lagi kamu butuhin?- U A N G33. film terakhir yang kamu tonton?- Romantic Princess34. obat terakhir yang kamu tenggak?- obat maag pasti...T__T35 . testi terakhir dari?- Linda36. sms terakhir dari?- Felicia37. sms terakhir untuk?- Liha39. kamu menangis dalam setiapmasalah?- kaga donk..xp40. siapa yang bikin kamu lebihtenang?- GOD, my friends..41 . apa yang kamu pikirkan ttghubungan jarak jauh?- dunno~42. ttg cinta pandangan pertama?- ?45. kamu photogenic ga?- tau dehh~46. kamu percaya dengan magic?- NGGAK47 . kamu meminum minuman berkafein gahari ini?- nggak~48. Single, Crushin', Interested, orin a Relationship?- married kok ga ada? gw kn udh merit ma wonbin ..XDD49. saat kamu menemukan the rightperson apakah kamu langsung tunduk?- kamsutt?50 . kamu percaya cinta dapat merubahseseorang ?- yuppcredit : Friendster
& my kawaii dream ended @
8:45 PM
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gomen ne~
aahhh~maap blogku..jarang diupdate lagi..>__<memang si..ujian sekolah udh selesai..tapi di tempat les blm..T__Tbr mulai malah..besok ntu written test..selasa depan oral test..uuuhhh~puciiing~~~kapan daku bs liburan dg tenang tanpa mikirin pelajaran..*stress*balom lagi soal forumm...mianhaee FTII~~~padahal janjinya hari ini udh mw mulai rapat..tp wong adminnya ga OL?*ngais2tanah*maap smua yg udh nungguin..>__<ditambah lagi inet yg pingin di banting ini..kerjaannya DC muluuu...kaga bosen2 apa DC ?*mule gila*aahh~GBU all <3
& my kawaii dream ended @
8:27 PM
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