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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Which DBSK Guy suits you? [[story at the end]]
CONGRADULATIONS! YOU GOT MICKY YOOCHUN!one sweet day you were reading your book and bumped into yoochun. he was really nice about it. you guys felt something the minute your hands met. he asked you out to dinner you accepted. he thinks your cute and sexy. he loves that your open minded. you guys were getting along great. you were together ever since. you didn't mind he was in DBSK. you were best friends with the other members.Member's thoughts. and mine::Jaejoong: ohh. so Yoochun finally settled on the sexy and cute kind. i'm jealous. she was very nice and if i had a chance i would have gotten her. good job yoochun.yunho- she is sexy and is cute and knows how to dance i like her. yoochunnie ah is lucky.Changmin- nuna is nice. she is very pretty and knows how to cook! she is the best nuna EVER.Junsu- mann. is i could i would have asked her out. but i'm glad yoochunnie hyung did. he is VERY lucky. yoochun- i've got a girlfriend how bout you i gotta girlfriend i love herrr. ... that doesn't rhyme but w/e i'm in L-O-V-E =DMe-LUCKY DUCKII!!!!! i love yoochun he better treat you well! =]
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& my kawaii dream ended @
4:12 PM
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Which DBSK Guy suits you? [[story at the end]]
CONGRADULATIONS! YOU GOT MICKY YOOCHUN!one sweet day you were reading your book and bumped into yoochun. he was really nice about it. you guys felt something the minute your hands met. he asked you out to dinner you accepted. he thinks your cute and sexy. he loves that your open minded. you guys were getting along great. you were together ever since. you didn't mind he was in DBSK. you were best friends with the other members.Member's thoughts. and mine::Jaejoong: ohh. so Yoochun finally settled on the sexy and cute kind. i'm jealous. she was very nice and if i had a chance i would have gotten her. good job yoochun.yunho- she is sexy and is cute and knows how to dance i like her. yoochunnie ah is lucky.Changmin- nuna is nice. she is very pretty and knows how to cook! she is the best nuna EVER.Junsu- mann. is i could i would have asked her out. but i'm glad yoochunnie hyung did. he is VERY lucky. yoochun- i've got a girlfriend how bout you i gotta girlfriend i love herrr. ... that doesn't rhyme but w/e i'm in L-O-V-E =DMe-LUCKY DUCKII!!!!! i love yoochun he better treat you well! =]
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& my kawaii dream ended @
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Name : Debora Stella Liana
B-day : 27 September 1992
School : Budi Mulia High School
Age : 16 years old
Email : rii_chii@yahoo.com
YM : rii_chii@yahoo.com
MSN : rii_chii@hotmail.com
Friendster : rii_chii@hotmail.com

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